

If you read yesterday's post you know about my inability to follow (web)doctor's orders and keep off my leg. All these pictures were taken while I was doing my best to avoid weight bearing activities, elevate and ice my foot while enjoying the pain deadening effects of Motrin. It was a glorious day. Any ill effects of my decision to enjoy the park were well worth it.
A special thanks to my husband who delayed his grocery shopping so he could go to the park with us. His assistance was necessary because in addition to walking with a severe limp, I have a cold that has practically taken my voice away. As Belle put it, "Mommy, why are the batteries for your voice dying?"
Needless to say a hobbled mommy who doesn't have the ability to raise her voice has limited abilities at a very crowded downtown park.
Needless to say a hobbled mommy who doesn't have the ability to raise her voice has limited abilities at a very crowded downtown park.
Weekly Winners is the brain child of Lotus at Sarcastic Mom. Visit her to see more participants.
I love the black & white shot... Stunning. All of them are fabulous, and it looks like you all had a great time.
Hope your leg is feeling better!
Those are all great! I think "Simplicity" is my favorite though. Thanks for sharing your photos with us!!!
Love the climbing tree pictures. Just perfect!
I can't pick a fav because they were all great!
They're all lovely, but I like "Climbers" and "Simplicity" the best.
As for your voice, perhaps you should be buying those batteries at Costco? I think big multi-packs are really the only way to go for such essential ones. And if you know what size I need for the "keep my energy up to preschooler standards," please let me know. I'm pretty sure that one is running low...
Hope your leg is starting to feel a bit better!
I'm with Judith. That B&W one needs to go on a postcard. Beautiful, Amy!
Beautiful shots! All of them really capture the feeling of a gorgeous day of spring in the park. So much fun.
All of those are great! I like the peeking one & the bubbles one the best.
I love that b&w one, too. It's my fave. Hope your leg feels better!
great pictures. and hope you have a speedy recovery
"why are the batteries for your voice dying?"...so cute! They come up with the most clever things :)
Loved the photos despite your leg. Glad you had a chance to get out though :) Loved them all!
Darlin'.... lying on the beach, sipping from a perfectly iced margarita does NOT require legs. :) l
But I'm glad you rested it a bit so that you can at least walk to the beach on your own power. Because as romantic as the vision of Jeff carrying you there might be, it probably is not so very pleasant. ;)
I love the idea of a wordless chaseless mommy...It's like giving them the day off...
They look like they had so much fun :)
LOVE all of these...i am so glad you were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine!
hope your leg feels better soon!! ouch!
I left you a little bloggy bling over on my blog. You. Are. Welcome.
Those pics were fantastic. I loved the "flying" picture.
Stunning photos! Everything looks so lush and green. Absolutely springish!
Those are fantastic! I sit here willing your tendonitis to go away! No limping in hawt bikini's on the beaches of Mexico, no No NO!
ohhh... I like the effects you added on your bubble pic. Very creative!
Why are the batteries in your voice dying? How stinkin cute is that??
I hope your leg recovers quickly :D And all of your pictures are wonderous!!
Amy, those pictures are so cute:)
Lovely photos! Especially the Simplicity one. Thanks for sharing!
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