Friday, November 21, 2008

Flashback Friday: Babies

For the second week, I am republishing a post from last year and reflecting on it.

Hold Them Close
originally published on Wed Nov 21, 2007

Ahhhhh. A long weekend with four full days at home.

I am looking forward to cuddling with my girls. Ariel always gets the slightest smile on her face as she snuggles her head on my chest. I like to listen to her pacifier squeaking as she relaxes in my arms. Belle still lets me hold her “like a baby” and sing the songs that are so familiar to her. She doesn’t even mind that I sing out of tune and have made up the words. To her it is the same off-key melody that she has heard since birth.

I remember the late nights when my baby girls needed comforting. I would rock them well beyond their need to be rocked just because I loved holding them. We don’t get to do that anymore. The rocking chair is covered with clothes and isn’t used in the middle of the night anymore.

They are growing up and I am not ready for it. I look forward to these four days of snuggling, holding, kissing and playing with my children. Four days to be silly, dance, play and watch movies.

On Monday I will return to work with happy memories of a long weekend well spent with my girls.

My girls still cuddle with me. It happens more often with Ariel, because she is younger and still needs cuddles. Belle is perpetual motion, just like her father. When I get to hold he it is usually not for long.

I am looking forward to holding a baby again. My baby. I can't wait for middle of the night feedings and squeaking pacifiers. There is so much about having a baby around that I love. I feel fortunate that I will be able to relive the infancy of both my girls through the care of our new little one. Life is good.


Kidzmama said...

As you know we have two of each. The boys need hugs WAY more than the girls. Baby, our youngest, is too busy running around for a silly hug. I need to practically tackle her for a smooch!

Lisa said...

in complete agreement with you. Life is good - and a possibility of twins?!? HOLY COW!